“Gure plater ospetsuenak beti mantentzen baditugu ere, karta sasoiaren arabera aldatzen dugu. Produktuekin errespetua izaten eta beren zaporeei leial izaten ahalegintzen gara”
Iñaki Arrieta

Entrante restaurante Rekondo - Foie Micuit
Rekondo restaurante - Ensaladilla de bogavante sobre pudin de kabratxo
Entrante restaurante Rekondo
Iberian ham and loin "Diego López"
35,00 € -
Natural Oysters with lemon (1/2 dozen)
38,00 € -
Red prawn carpaccio, guacamole and pistachio vinaigrette
45,00 € -
Foie Micuit, mini lemon cake
42,00 € -
The traditional fish soup
28,00 € -
Pochas (White Beans) and veal snouts
37,00 € -
Grilled white shrimps
42,00 € -
Artichokes stuffed with hollandaise, grilled foie gras, winter truffle and red wine sauce
38,00 € -
Egg in batter, mini tail sandwich, mushrooms, foie gras and chips
45,00 € -
Urt black pudding ravioli on Iberian consommé, mushrooms and black truffle
45,00 € -
Scrambled eggs with mushrooms
29,00 €

Arroz con almejas restaurante Rekondo
Carta Rekondo restaurante - Almejas
Rekondo restaurante - Kokotxas
Clams in parsley sauce
48,00 € -
Grilled tail-end of Hake
32,00 € -
Rice with Clams
50,00 € -
Grilled Sole
48,00 € -
Hake fillets in parsley sauce
42,00 € -
Hake´s "Kokotxas"
55,00 € -
Baked crab
42,00 € -
Spiny Lobster per kilo
195,00 € -
Common Lobster per kilo
110,00 € -
Cuttle fish in ink and white rice
42,00 € -
Codfish cooked in our grill, and "pil pil sauce"
38,00 €

Rekondo restaurante - Carnes
Rekondo restaurante - Cochinillo
Rekondo restaurante - Cochinillo, confitura piña y dátil, y cruijiente de piña
Grilled Venison with pears
38,00 € -
Glazed suckling pig, pineapple and date confiture, and pineapple crunchy biscuit
45,00 € -
Grilled filet Mignon, french fries and green peppers
35,00 € -
Ox rib-eye steak, per kilo
75,00 € -
Piquillo peppers confit
12,00 € -
French fries
9,00 € -
Lettuce and onion salad
9,00 € -
Olive oil or butter
3,50 €

Restaurante Rekondo - Tarta fina de manzana con helado de vainilla
Carta Rekondo restaurante - Milhojas de mousse de chocolate blanco, coulis de naranja y sorbete de maracuyá
Postres restaurante Rekondo
Restaurante Rekondo - Pastel de chocolate, sorbete de frambuesa y coulis frutos rojos
Home curd
8,00 € -
Artisan shepherd's cheeses
18,00 € -
14,00 € -
"Canutillos" pastries with cinnamon cream and hazelnut ice cream
12,00 € -
Mille-feuille (puff-pastry) with white chocolate mousse and passion fruit sorbet
12,00 € -
Mascarpone ice-cream and raspberry coulis
12,00 €
Dessert please order in advance
Coulant and chocolate ganache with apricot ice cream
14,00 € -
Hot apple cake with vanilla ice cream
14,00 € -
Soufflé Alaska
14,00 € -
Caramelized mocha toast with caramel ice cream
14,00 €